Friday, September 30, 2011

Praising our Lord....No more Cancer

We received great news on Tuesday from the Pathology report, and I'm sorry I'm so late in posting.  The chemo did it's work and killed all the cancer in the lymphnodes, and almost all the cancer in the tumor.  Only 3mm of live cancer cells were in the tumor area, and the surgeon took a golf ball size amount of tissue from the area with wide clear margins.  It has taken me much longer to get over this surgery than I thought... My arm is still really sore, and it doesn't move like it should.. I am exercising it to get my mobility  back, and anxiously awaiting the removal of my drain tube..They say Monday...I am trying to be patient, but it's not my strongest quality!  Thank you all for praying, and I will keep you posted.  Radiation won't start for another few weeks. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Looks like time to go home just waiting on doc to give thumbs up.  We want to thank all of you guys for prayers and support please call and come by to see us welove to see our friends. I will let DONNA TAKE OVER BLOG UP DATING ASAP.  See ya soon 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Surgery Done

Praise the Lord Donna's out of surgery everything went fine according to surgeon she should be in room in 1-2 hours wil watch over night then let everybody know tomorrow details of surgery
It's 2:00 pm and they have just taken Donna back for surgery.   Surgeon said should be about 3 hrs we,re gonna get something to eat and i will let everybody know something when they tell us. tanks talk later Greg
It's 10:40 am and one procedure is done now waiting to start actual surgery. Nurse said we could see her before big surgery will post later. Thank you for Prayers please keep praying. Oh and by the way this is Greg typing so this thing may not be grammaticly correct

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Here we go again...

Hello my loyal bloggers.  I am feeling much better than last weekend, and I am soooo ready to have surgery on Monday. I didn't go to work this week in hopes of not catching anything; and remaining healthy.  The surgery is scheduled for noon this Monday.  I should only be in the hosipital over night, and then come home.  I appreciate your continued prayer support.  Love to all..

Monday, September 12, 2011

God's Timing

His timing is not always ours.  I got sick over the weekend, and the doctor was not comfortable doing the surgery until I was feeling better.  Hopefully later this week, but probably Monday of next week.  Thanks for the prayers, and please keep them going.  God has been so good to me through all of this, so this is just another small bump in the road.  Have a great week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Surgery Time

Sorry it's been a month since I posted...I am back a work and doing good.  The wedding was absolutely beautiful; and the married couple are back and keeping busy.  Baby Jolly is due to arrive April 14th.  I will have a lumpectomy and lymphnode removal on Monday 9/12.  Please pray for all to go well and for me to experience the Lord's peace that passes all understanding.  Also please keep the firefighters in your prayers as well as the many people who have been effected by the horrible fires.  The firefighters are working long hours, and need our prayers and support.  Will post after surgery..Thanks for the prayers.