Friday, September 30, 2011

Praising our Lord....No more Cancer

We received great news on Tuesday from the Pathology report, and I'm sorry I'm so late in posting.  The chemo did it's work and killed all the cancer in the lymphnodes, and almost all the cancer in the tumor.  Only 3mm of live cancer cells were in the tumor area, and the surgeon took a golf ball size amount of tissue from the area with wide clear margins.  It has taken me much longer to get over this surgery than I thought... My arm is still really sore, and it doesn't move like it should.. I am exercising it to get my mobility  back, and anxiously awaiting the removal of my drain tube..They say Monday...I am trying to be patient, but it's not my strongest quality!  Thank you all for praying, and I will keep you posted.  Radiation won't start for another few weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that's amazing!! Praying for you daily:)

    Matt, Courtney & Riley
